Romeo and Juliet, Human Ignor.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare we see the idea of human ignorance. Characters who act without full information often trigger the tragic events. In Romeo and Juliet there are a number of examples of human ignorance, which hasten the central tragedy, the death of both Romeo and Juliet. One example of human ignorance is the fight between Romeo and Tybalt that ends in Tybalt's death. Another example of ignorance is …

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…human ignorance and incomplete information all helped hasten the central tragedy. There are a number of ignorant acts in the tragedy by William Shakespeare. These events that are based on incomplete information make the central tragedy seem even greater, yet it makes the play more interesting. These ignorant acts teach the characters to get along with each other by the end of the play for if they argue it will lead to a great loss.