Romeo and Juliet

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Essay Database > Literature > English
For many years, an on-going feud between two families has caused much disruption in the city of Verona, Italy. The Capulets and the Montagues cannot seem to get along, and there have been many deaths between the two families because of it. Prince Escalus of Verona warns the two families that if the feud does not stop, the punishment will be death. The stage opens with servants of the Capulet and Montague families. They get …

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…Juliet wakes up from the potion the friar gave her, the friar enters the tomb. He hears noises and tries to persuade Juliet to leave with him. She refuses, sees Romeo dead next to her, stabs herself with Romeo's sword, and dies. The Capulets, Montagues, and the Prince of Verona all enter the tomb and wonder what went on. Friar Laurence explains the story, and the Capulets and Montagues agree to end their family feud.