Romeo and Juliet

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Good morning Ms Spillane and fellow classmates. Act 1 scene 5 sees Tybalt furious about Romeo, Benvolio, and Mercutio being able to stay at the Capulet’s ball. Today through an interior monologue I will give you a better understanding of the thoughts going through Tybalt’s mind after the ball. I will explore Tybalt’s personality in the process. . How dare that filthy Montague dance with fare Juliet. If he thinks he can just stroll in here a…

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…I hate Romeo, I hate Mercutio, and I hate all Montague’s. From this interior monologue we come to see why Tybalt shows so much anger towards Montagues. To have your father taken away from you is unbearable and we see that he really lacked a male role model in his upbringing. At stages we see Tybalt having the ability to question his personality which depicts his self-insecurity.