Romeo and Juliet - Play vs. Movie

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Romeo and Juliet - Shakespeare vs. DiCaprio Films are made with the directors different personal opinions based on the original source. In the movie version of Romeo and Juliet (1996, Leonardo DiCaprio), the above illustrates this perfectly. For this essay, I will discuss some of the contrasts between the original play, and the film. I hope you find this essay informative. First, I will discuss some of the plot changes that were implemented to adapt to …

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…example is the love that Lady Capulet had for Tybalt. In the play, they only show that Lady Capulet cared for him (in the scene when he dies). But in the movie, during the ball, Lady Capulet and Tybalt passionately kiss. This is yet another variance between the play to the movie. In conclusion, we can see that the movie was changed a minimal amount, and all of the changes were for thematic purposes only.