"Romeo and Juliet" - How love and hate is displayed.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
'Romeo and Juliet' is billed as one of the greatest love stories of all time. It is filled with romance from start to finish and almost every character has an object of desire at some point during the play. Could this great emotion be connected to the darker feeling of hate? Almost certainly. And is it possible for a character to feel both of these at exactly the same time as we see so many …

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…is also very hard for the person feeling the emotions to decide which one is the most overpowering. Now we also know that many of the characters throughout the play have undecided feelings towards one another at some point. They do not know how they feel and this makes them very puzzled. Do you think it could just be easier for them to in fact end their lives and end the discomfort in their hearts?