Romeo- A tragic Hero

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Essay Database > Literature > English
ROMEO: A TRULY TRAGIC HERO William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is a truly tragic play, where heroes and villains struggle for survival. Romeo Montague possesses many characteristics which allow him to become the play's tragic hero. The first characteristic of a tragic hero that Romeo possesses is a sense of calamity that befalls him many times, bringing him misery and despair; although preceded by moments of happiness and glory. Also, there are actions that lead …

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…a tragic hero throughout the play. For this reason, Romeo is a tragic hero. Romeo had calamities befall him during the play. His actions led to apparently inevitable and irreversible catastrophes. He contributed to many of the catastrophes. He suffered emotionally throughout the play. And most importantly, he triggered feelings of pathos towards himself, which is one of the most important qualities of a hero. Truly, Romeo is the tragic hero of Romeo and Juliet.