Romantic and Arranged Marriages in Arthurian Legend and Other Such Nonsense

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Essay Database > Literature
The outline is included and the essay is sort of short. Marriage is "the legal union of a man and woman as husband and wife"(Encarta Encyclopedia 1998) usually entered into in order to have children. "Although marriage customs vary greatly from one culture to another, the importance of the institution is universally acknowledged." An arranged marriage is coupling initiated by the parents of the bride and groom. This form of marriage "…[has] been accepted …

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…marriage was predominant in Arthurian legend A. <Tab/> Reasons i.<Tab/>Arranged for alliance ii.<Tab/>Arranged for gain iii.<Tab/>Arranged for disobedience V.<Tab/>Who had arranged marriages in Arthurian Legend? A.<Tab/>Arthur & Guinevere B.<Tab/>King Lot of Orkney and Morgawse