Roman Catholic Church

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Jesus Christ founded the Roman Catholic Church early in the first century A.D. The basic organization of the Church was also put in place during this time, but the organization is something that has evolved, and continues to evolve, throughout the past two thousand years. Yet to say that the Roman Catholic Church has solely had one founder would be somewhat incorrect. There have been many persons that could be called "co-founders" of the …

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…The Liturgy of the Word, where parts of the Old Testament and New Testament are read aloud and reflected upon; and the Liturgy of the Eucharist, where the mystery of the Passion and Death of Jesus is commemorated. A priest celebrates the Mass, and the culmination and centerpiece of the Mass is when the Priest, while holding high the Host, or Bread, utters the Latin words, "Hoc est Meum Corporem", or "This is My body".