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Essay Database > History
The Roman concept of 'pax deorum' was to keep the people of the community, and the state in good graces with the Gods. This was the underlining force in Roman religion, and was illustrated by the speech of Camillus, were he stated; "All things went well when we obeyed the Gods, but badly when we disobeyed them"(AW, pg 184). Both the state and the private families had rituals and moral values, which were vital to …

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…the whole, to stay in good favours with the Gods, the city of Rome had to be rebuilt. There was no other way to replace the character of Rome as a sacral community. Camillus pointed out that Rome was tied by its religious connections, and history to the site it was originally founded on. Rome could never be moved, because Rome was more than just a city, it was blessed by the Gods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**