Role of the gods in the odyssey

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Essay Database > History
In determining the role of the Gods in The Odyssey, by Homer, one must ponder where Odysseus would be if the Greek Gods did not exist. If it weren't for Athena, daughter of Zeus, would Odysseus still be able to overcome the challenges he faced from Poseidon (the God of the Sea), Helios (the sun god), Calypso (the goddess-nymph), and Circe (the goddess and enchantress) during his journey home? Would he still experience the same …

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…efficient in that they teach him valuable lessons in life. Through his interactions with the gods, Odysseus not only learns how to accept and appreciate help, stay humble, be a leader and resist temptation, but he is also given the courage to fight off evil. Thus, the gods of The Odyssey play important roles in the development of the plot, as well as that of the development of the heroic character of Odysseus. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**