Role of the Supernatural in Julius Caesar

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
William Shakespeare composed his most famous pieces in an age where the supernatural played a major role in the everyday of lives of peasantry and royalty alike. During that age, commonly referred to as the Elizabethan Age, people postulated that the world held a fragile balance. Rather than simply believing that the balance that existed was restricted to the spiritual world, they speculated that it applied to the laws that prevailed in nature. As a …

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…augment the impact of key scenes on the audience. The supernatural itself appeals to an audience's curiosity, leaving them sitting on the edge of their seat as they wait for the foretold events. As is clearly portrayed through Shakespeare's constant inclusion of such occurrences, the supernatural profoundly impacted Elizabethan life. Today, that legacy of the improbable has been passed down for generations, existing in forms that remain almost as obscure as the phenomena they promote.