Rocky Marciano

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Rocky Marciano was born on September 1, 1923 in Brockton,Massachusetts to Mr. and Mrs. Pierino Marchegiano. Rocky would live a pretty normal life until 18 months of age , when he would contract pneumonian. Pneumonia was an infection which would nearly kill Rocky , but through his strong constitution he would be able to suvive without impairment. Even at a young age Rocky would have exceptional physical strength as he would grow up on his mom's Italian cooking. Rocky …

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…Marciano and Muhammad Ali or Mike Tyson were to fight that Rocky Marciano would most likely wind up on the losing end of the fight.I do however have respect for what he did as a child and how he helped support his family during rought times, and he chose his family over his friends. "Rocky Marciano" 5 Feb 2002 < ( 5 Feb 2002) "Rocky Marciano (1999) (tv)" 4 Feb 2002 < 0183718 ( 4 Feb 2002)