Rock and Roll

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Rock And Roll Throughout history major social transformations have taken place that has changed how people perceive themselves and the world around them. With each social reformation, cultural forms and institutions also change as well as their meanings. For Example, "The development of recording and electronic communication within United States capitalism spurred the unique coming together of disparate music traditions in twentieth century United States society."(Gilmore 61) The development of these technologies allowed music to …

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…for all people to shout out their individual and varied viewpoints. It is a showcase of life and a reflection of society. Works Cited "Definition of Rock 'n' Roll." Webster Dictionary. 30 Jun. 2004 <> Gilmore, M. "The Sixties." Rolling Stone. Aug. 1990: 61. Scott Lipscomb and Joe Stuessy. "Rock and Roll: Its History and Stylistic Development." Prentice Hall. 1999: 83. Welch, R. "Rock 'n' Roll and Social Change." History Today. Volume 40. Issue 2(1990):32.