Robots Reveal Their Human Side

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Well over 100 robots have showed at the 2005 World Expo. Their carrying out tasks ranging from cleaning things to greeting and entertaining visitors. Toyota's robotic band, that consists of seven trumpet and horn players and a lead singer have been performing many different tunes for thousands of visitors, selling out 13 shows per day. Back at the Expo, Kokoro, Expo's humanoid receptionist, is busy greeting thousand's of guests. Kokoro can speak in four different languages and can …

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…homework, play games and even report misbehavior to parents via a built-in mobile phone and Internet connection. "Parents outside home or elementary school can call to PaPeRo," explained Dr. Fujita of NEC, which developed the robot. "Then they can watch how their children are doing through the eyes of PaPeRo.", says Dr. Fujita. In the very near future humanoid robots are expected to be on a rise and we be carrying out many different tasks.