Robin hood Case and options available to Robin hood and robin hoods situation similar to that faced by a start up firm in the modern era

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What is the situation facing Robin Hood? Robin Hood was in the second year of his insurrection against the High Sheriff of Nottingham. Though it started as a personal crusade for Robin Hood against the Sheriff and his administration, allies, men with grievances and a deep sense of justice joined him. He spent the first year forging the group into a disciplined band, united in enmity against the Sheriff and willing to live outside the …

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…in the beginning but inadequate resources to fight back the big competitors becomes a reason for the downfall of the start up firm. Moreover the start up firms come up with a short term plan and in order for them to survive the option they will have is a merger with another company which might sometimes be a success and sometimes even these mergers will not help them fight the competition from the bigger firms.