Robin Hood case study

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
A run down of the Issues Robin needs to address: 1. Whether to institute the fixed transit tax (and shift to a new business purpose). 2.If no transit tax is imposed our profit squeeze of falling revenues and increased costs must be addressed. 3. How to avoid detection (Given the growing size of the encampment) and ensure the security of the organisation, e.g "New recruit" or "Prince Johns Spy" 4. Whether to accept the offer of several …

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…be increased by asking new recruits more questions and increasing security outposts Extra revenues should be kept aside until efficient enough to pay the ransom Robin should cut back on costs by buying cheaper food for the band, e.g. chicken instead of Venison. Little John is in charge of both discipline and archery. Another band member should be given the responsibility of the discipline. Intelligence should find out the Sheriff's information and weakest areas.