Robert Patterson's Dereliction of Duty: The Eyewitness Account of how Bill Clinton Compromised American's National Security.

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You might want to add a introduction to this paper. This paper reviews Robert Patterson's Dereliction of Duty: The Eyewitness Account of how Bill Clinton Compromised American's National Security. It will include the student's summary of the books eight chapters and Appendix A, as well as the student's opinion regarding Patterson's contention that Bill Clinton endangered America's national security. Robert Patterson's book Dereliction of Duty is not a personal attack on President Clinton. He stated …

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…of our country, which the president was sworn to defend" (Pg. 123). Patterson states that "if there is anything beyond scandal that we should most remember about the Clinton years, this it is: They were the years that terrorists brought their war to the United States" (Pg. 131). I believe that because of his clear disregard to national security and his yielding approach to terrorism President Clinton did place our nation in a compromised state of security.