Robert Frost's poem Design. This an reader response on rewording the poem and then answering the questions in the second stanza.

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Design I found a dimpled spider, fat and white, On a white heal-all, holding up a moth Like a white piece of rigid satin cloth- Assorted characters of death and blight Mixed ready to begin the morning right, Like the ingredients of a witches' broth- A snow-drop spider, a flower like a froth, And dead wings carried like a paper kite. What had that flower to do with being white, The wayside blue and innocent …

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…brings out his questions about the existence of God and whether or not his exists. We, as humans tend to read into nature and try to explain away the unnatural occurrences in nature. Like why is the flower white to begin with, when all it was, was a freak of nature, a recessive gene. Only your faith can lead you to the correct answer as to whether or design governs in a thing so small.