Robert Frost "home burial" a poem that shows how a death of a child splits two lovers

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
The main theme within "home burial" is the contrasting emotions between man and wife. The death of their child allows us to see how Amy and her husband differ emotionally, physically, and mentally. Other than the obvious tragedy of the loss of their child, they also experience the tragedy of the loss of love and free will. The child's death causes sorrow and unspeakable pain to Amy. While, her husband is hurt as well, he …

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…the animosity within him, causes him to react brutishly. This frustration and intolerance throughout the poem, gives the reader the idea that this anger may be habitual, and it probably has occurred in the past. We are able to sympathize with his frustration at his wife's refusal to communicate with him, but the terror that she conveys at his presence and his hostile reaction to her leaving, gives us an unshakable image of a brute.