Robert Browning's poem, "My Last Duchess"

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Analysis of Robert Browning's My Last Duchess Robert Browning's poem, My Last Duchess is a poem that represents and holds true to many of the Pre-Raphaelite ideals. It is comprised of rhyming pentameter lines. The lines do not make use of end-stops but rather they use enjambment (which is that sentences do not necessarily conclude at the end of the lines). This results in the rhymes not creating a sense of closure when the end …

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…Pre-Raphaelites because of the way it forces the reader to question their own response to the subject portrayed and the method of its portrayal. By asking these questions, this poem tested the Victorian readers response to their modern world and to the question of art being a moral component or just merely an aesthetic exercise? This poem supports the Pre-Raphaelite's ideals and theories because of the questions it causes to arise in its' readers' minds.