Robert Borden - A Leader of Men?

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Essay Database > History > North American History
A man can be portrayed as a hero or a villain despite the same facts provided, but one man, through adversity and controversy took on the role of leader of Canada and united the country to fight for a common goal: The downfall of Germany. Borden was persistent and loyal to Great Britain. Through his commitment and undying loyalty to Great Britain, Borden steered Canada right onto the path of independence. A successful economy, the …

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…impartially as possible to help Great Britain earn a victory over Germany. Robert Borden helped the economy. He helped women earn their rights and introduced conscription. He always kept the interests of Canadians first and foremost; even before his own interests and for all of these reasons Sir Robert Laird Borden is justified as a great leader of Canada; helping to pave the way for the glorious and independent country we live in called Canada.