Roadrage Research paper

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Dear Mr. Mike Tharp, I am responding to your editorial in the New York Times about road rage. [I'm sure their have been many times where drivers have been caught in the middle of road rage.] I myself have been caught up in it too. It was the 14 of June 2003 and I was driving north on the saw-grass expressway when a black, dark tinted, two door truck began tailgating me. I began to speed up …

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…to do with you. Stay cool and don't take other driver's actions personally. [The real key to reducing road rage lies deep within us.] We as drivers should focus on the supportive driving rather than the defensive driving. We should visually overcome road rage. We as drivers should take a deep breath and just let it go. Road rage is on the rise and we as drivers should help the problem and become the solution.