Road to the White House 2000

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
For the next 12 months over 11 presidential candidates will be racing to win a nomination from their respective parties. Only a select few will get a nomination as well as a few will get a vice president nomination. All of these nominations will be determined at the National conventions held for each different party. I have selected 4 candidates to discuss primarily because I think they are the strongest candidates of the democratic and republican parties. From …

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…president. When starting this project I contacted each of the above candidates by e-mail. They are very accessible and easy to contact, all of them have Official Committee pages on the web which is how you can write to them. I have only received 2 responses, one from Bill Bradley and one from Elizabeth Dole. I really had a lot of fun with this project even though a lot of the information was hard to find.