Road to Revolution: the causes leading to the Revolutionary War in America

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Essay Database > History > North American History
In the early 1760's, the majority of colonists in North America were happily British. Proud to be subjects of their king, they benefited from the imperial system with few costs. Until 1763 Britain, for the most part, left the colonies alone. The French and Indian War had come to an end, leaving the colonists eager to partake in all the opportunities of America. In the midst of this tranquility, the British imposed taxes on the colonies …

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…they prepare for war, they agreed to a boycott they hoped would end all trade with Britain, and they made plans to meet the following year. Although in 1775 Lord North won approval of the Conciliatory Propositions by parliament that would allow the colonists to tax themselves at Britain's demand, it was too little too late. The colonists had already begun to view themselves as a separate union, and were ready to fight for their independence