Road Rages.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Road Rage Almost all drivers have experienced some occurrence of road rage. Most of these occurrences are as innocent as a rude gesture, but some drivers have lost their lives because of them. "Traffic is a cooperative activity" (2-3-7). When a driver decides to take control of the road, the consequences can again be fatal. Almost every driver on the road has been involved in one incident or another. No one is immune from …

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…the beginning of a vicious cycle of truly aggressive driving that can turn roadways into battle zones" (4-2-6). However, through practice and patience, our future will not be so bleak. Road rage has an effect on all of our world's drivers. We must all learn to cooperate with each other to ensure the safety of our roads. If we can accomplish this, our world will be a better place to live our busy lives