Road Rage

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Road Rage: For millions of people driving has become a health risk, an economic risk, and a daily hassle, if not tragedy. Many people have died on the American highways, because of stress or maybe in a hurry to get home to the watch the football game or get to a Doctors appointment. There is a lack of civility and respect for fellow drivers, it just seems like no one cares anymore about anyone. When …

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…compared with the dangers of having a loaded gun. More respect for others and hefty fines from police will reduce road rage. It may take years, but I think we could tackle this growing problem in America today. So, next time you feel tension against another driver, back off and let the situation go. Better that, than to get into a wreck or possibly get shot and lose your life, because you made someone mad.