Rivalry's Nature Book: "A Separate Piece" by John Knowles

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The book A Separate Piece by John Knowles revolves around the theme of rivalry, which naturally occurs between humans as a result of human nature. With this rivalry occurring naturally between humans, it is inevitable that any relationship is vulnerable to destruction due to this rivalry within all humans. Things that may occur from rivalry are envy, resentfulness, and worst of all, pain as a result. <Tab/>When a close bond …

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…to which rivalry should only be taken so far. As shown, what started out as just a minor envy for one's abilities, escaladed into building up such strong emotions that caused one's impulses to take over the body and do harm without consciously doing so. Thus, this further reinforces the idea of how rivalry has the ability to ruin the closest of relationships and should constantly be kept in check to avoid any unwanted consequences.