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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The Dark side of a Wonder Drug-A Selected Collection of Testimony on the Safety of Ritalin 'We give our children every day, yet we punish adults for taking speed,' stated a concerned parent(Ritalin Zone). A trip to the principal's office used to mean big trouble. These days, more kids are showing up in the school office just to get their midday dose of Ritalin. Ritalin, the drug used to treat hyperactivity in children, …

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…abused'(Ritalin Zone). And if doctors are leisurely prescribing the pills, there will be problems. Pisterman wonders just how well children on the drugs are being monitored. But while Jerry Kilroy, Ph.D., worries that Ritalin is being overused, 'it worries me just as much that a kid who needs help isn't getting it'(Ritalin Boy). Hopefully people will educate themselves about a drug that effects his or her body before acting on a whim.