Rising and Falling of the Berlin Wall

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Essay Database > History
There are many events concerning the rising and the falling of the Berlin Wall, I will attempt to explain some of them in my following report. The person responsible for the rise of the Wall was Walter Ulbricht. He was a longtime member of the German Communist Party. After 1958 the German Democratic Republic (GDR or East Germany) entered a new state of development. As a result of this a sharp rise of industrial output was …

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…to the cheering of thousands. On November 12th the Wall was opened at Potsdaren Platz which once was on of the busiest crossroads in Western Europe. On December 22nd the Brandenburg Gate was opened. The Brandenbug Gate was a part of the soviet occupied sector, and when the Wall was built to separate East and West Berlin, the gate was sealed off in the stretch of land between the two sections of the divided city.