Rise to Globalism by Stephen Ambrose

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Rise to Globalism: American Foreign Policy Since 1938 Rise to Globalism, by Stephen Ambrose, is an enlightened work on the development of American foreign policy from World War II through the Reagan administration. It is an excellent one volume history, basic, but full of fact, that explains the trends in foreign policy that led America from its isolationist attitude of the first half of the nineteenth century to its position of global power and imminence today. …

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…conflict to third world diplomacy, is covered in an extremely comprehensible and thought-provoking manner. Another absence in this work was an in-depth analysis of the problems in the Far East. China was covered extremely well, but the book lacked a sufficient section discussing the recent balance of trade problems with Japan. Ambrose has created an excellent work which will only continue to grow in importance and insight as it continues to be revised and updated.