Rise of Hitler

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Essay Database > History > European History
During the time after World War One Germany was in a very bad condition. Money was printed to pay the 132 million marks of reparation, this caused inflation. Then not long after that, when the French invaded Ruhr, the Weimar Republic printed more money to pay civilians to go on strike, after all the massive money making the German currency had increased by 400%, this then caused a hyperinflation. The unemployment level was high as a result …

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…defeated and gone. Eventually Hitler did try to get support back, because after all he did become Chancellor. He got his support back by merging with other right wing parties and took them over, he organized the so called Hitler's "boy scouts and girl scouts", he made a lot of posters and used propaganda, and he try to gain support from wealthy and powerful businessmen. Hitler wanted to change history and that's what he did.