Rip Van Winkle vs. Homer Simpson

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Rip Van Winkle vs. Homer Simpson How are Homer Simpson and Rip Van Winkle similar and different? Homer Simpson is a character in a television sitcom. The sitcom is about the everyday life of a family of five. He has a wife named Marge, a son named Bart, and two daughters named Lisa and Maggie. There are several things in common, as well as different between Rip Van Winkle and Homer Simpson. Homer Simpson is …

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…Winkle are alike in a lot of ways, but they are different in many ways too. Both are lazy, but Homer seems to be a better wife and father. Maybe they are more alike than it seems, since society has changed so much over the last 250 years. In another hundred years or so, some student will probably see this story in a whole different light. This comparison really shows how stories have changed over time.