Rights and Responsibilities of Students- Caledonia high school

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
The film "Waging Peace" shows the problems of Caledonia Junior High School (CJH) and how the new administration staff helps to change the school environment from disrespectful to positive and civilized. The school's administration staff changed and Edy Guy-Francois took the responsibility as principal to make a serious change in the school environment. When Edy arrived at the school many problems were evident. There was violence between students, used as the main problem solving method, …

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…Janine was given second chances by Edy but she still misbehaved. There is one thing I would have done differently and that is that I would have tried to arrange programs for Janine outside of school. These programs or agencies could help her control her anger and help her gain some self respect and respect for others. This extra help could allow her to succeed in school rather than being suspended and lose educational time.