Rights For All People's Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
Recently the topic of sexual orientation and gender identity, (Sexual orientation refers to gays, lesbian, bisexuals, and those questioning or are unsure. This refers to all not just homosexuals. Gender identity refers to those of transgender, which may change through medical procedures.), has been brought up more and more often. More people keep "stepping out of the closet," and these people are receiving anger hatred for who they are. These people deserve the same rights …

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…jobs for no reason. These are just a few examples of their rights that are being taken away. Reference Amnesty International "The Louder We Will Sing," campaigning for lesbian and gay human rights http://www.amensty.org Queensland University of Technology Equity Support For Staff and Students http://www.busqut.edu.au Primary Bibliography on Gay/lesbian Bisexual Issues http://www.mip.org/resources/packet/primaryBiblio.pdf http://www.prideatwork.org/pdffiles/HtCrmsFlr99B.PDF