Righteous Hamlets Revenge

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Righteous Hamlet's Revenge In the story Hamlet we have a young man who is seeking revenge for the death of his father. The person who was responsible for the death of Hamlet's father was Claudius. Hamlet had opportunities to kill Claudius, and even in the end, when he was most assuredly going to put an end to Claudius' life, he hesitated. There is much speculation as to why Hamlet hesitated, and why he didn't just …

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…intent, but for justice and for his people. He took his time in finding the opportunity so that he could do just that. Bibliography WORKS CITED Brodwin, Leonora. "Tragedies of William Shakespeare and Sonnets: Act I.," (1998): http://futures.wharton.upenn.edu/~tariq58/Hamlet/Cheat/Act%20I.htm Friedlander, Ed. "Enjoying 'Hamlet' by William Shakespeare." (1999): http://www.pathguy.com/hamlet.htm Moore, Peter R. "Hamlet and the two witness rule." Notes and Queries, (1997): v44 n4, pp. 498.