Right Wing Europe

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Right Wing Resurgence: Short Term Trend or Long Term Turmoil? In the mist of a disgruntled working class, one Austrian born man rose to power, playing on their fears of immigrants, unemployment and globalization. By mixing social populism, xenophobia, German nationalism with personal charisma, he was able to make his political party one of the strongest in his nation. Many would believe that this would be a description of the infamous dictator Adolph Hitler. Rather, …

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…European Unity." USA Today. March 5 1999. 01A. Fleck, Fiona. "Resurgent far Right Raises Specter of Nazis. Reuters. June 2 1998. Ford, Peter. "Right Gaining Grounds in Parts of Europe." CSM. October 22 1999. 1. "Haider says will stand For Chancellor in Austria." Reuters. March 9 1999. 18-20. Heneghan, Tom. "Far Right Varies Widely Across European Union. Reuters, December 9 1999. Stas, Karl. "Radical Right Wing Populism in Western Europe." Newsweek. January 15 2000. 13-18. "Right Wing Populists Then and Now: Like and Unlike." The Economist. October 17 1998. 19-23.