Rich's poem "Living in Sin"

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
In Adrienne Rich's poem, 'Living in Sin,' a woman, entering a life full of hope and promises with her lover, assumes that 'no dust' will fall upon her home, nor her perfect relationship. Her life, however, does not fit this ideal. Both a deteriorating home and relationship afflict her life; these unexpected results of her efforts in addition to the lack of her lover's efforts lead to resentful feelings. Because of society's expectations, the …

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…As a means to manipulate women into conforming and submitting to housekeeping roles, society promotes a male-dominant view. Society further expects all women to feign fulfillment in this 'natural,' biological role. By demanding conformity to expectations and customs, society conspires to minimize a woman's satisfaction. Thus, like the woman in the poem, many women in society accept this homemaking role. Although an individual must accept her unchangeable circumstances, she should renounce her society-given role.