Richard Wright's "Big Black Good Man".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Our decisions in life have an affect on how we are as people. Whether we judge someone on their looks or their demeanor we are making a decision that could effect how we think and feel. In Richard Wright's "Big Black Good Man", Olaf the main character makes such a judgment. Olaf's judgment changes his life for the next year until he finally finds closure. In order to see how decisions and judgments affect our …

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…Olaf and Olaf's judgments swept away and he saw the black guy's compassion. If Olaf hadn't been quick to judge he would have seen that compassion from the start. Seeing what judgments and decisions Olaf made shows what the wrong ones can cause. Don't be to quick to judge is a moral or a theme of the story. Judging someone before you know them can be a big mistake as it was in Olaf's life.