Richard Rodriquez: The Hunger of Memory

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Richard Rodriquez: The Hunger of Memory <Tab/>In studying the social aspects of assimilation of Latin American culture into the United States, Richard Rodriquez' autobiographical novel, The Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriquez deals with challenges he faced learning not only a new language and culture, but striving to maintain a cohesive relationship with his family. His parents and siblings also had to come to terms with their new …

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…Outlook. May 17, 2004. <> Lopez, Adrian. Personal Interview. Napa High School. May 14, 2004 Mendez, Ivan. Personal Interview. Napa Valley Alternative School. May 15, 2004. Rodriquez, Richard. "The Hunger of Memory". Visions of America. Ed. Wesley Brown & Amy Ling. New York: Persea Books, 1993. 229-232. Postrel, Virginia & Gillespie, Nick. Interview. "The New, New World." Reason Online. May 17, 2002 <>