Richard Nixon, US President

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Nixon Richard M Nixon was born on the 9th of January 1913 in Yorba Linda, and when he was nine his family moved to Whittier in California. This was where his father ran a little petrol station and grocery store. When he was 17 he entered Whittier College, a Quaker institution where Student politics and debates distinguished his college years. In 1934 he won a scholarship to Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. At Duke however Nixon didn't …

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…as a co-conspirator in the cover up by a grand jury. The next day he resigned, and his Vice-President, Gerald Ford was named his successor. The next years he wrote more memoirs, and after a while he continued public appearances, but his politic career was over. On the 22nd of June 1994 he died in his home in New York. Richard M Nixon was probably a great politician, but unfortunately he was also a dishonest man.