Richard Nixon Biography

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Richard Nixon The 37th President, Richard Nixon, was born on January 9, 1913 in Yorba Linda, California. Best known, unfortunately, for the Watergate Scandal. Nixon attended Whittier College and then went on to attend Duke University School of Law. Before entering into any political role, Richard Nixon received a Navy commission and served in the Pacific in 1942. His first political role was a seat in the House of Representatives in 1946. After serving two terms, Nixon was elected …

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…the verdict of history would depend upon who wrote it and whether their pens were guided by the passions of America's torturous and still imperfectly understood experience in Vietnam."-Anonymous Bibliography Fransworth, Malcolm. Watergate.Info. May 3, 2004. <> Excedior, Inc. The Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace Online May 3, 2004. <> LeRoy Miller, Roger. West's American Government. West Educational Publishing, 1999.