Rhetorical Analysis of Bell Hook's "Keeping Close to Home: Class and Education"

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In "Keeping Close to Home: Class and education", a chapter excerpted from Talking back (1989) by Bell Hook's, suggests that moving on with life by attending college influences individuals to hide or change the values they were raised with. She argues that people should never forget there family background or their past just because they change environments. From her perceptions of some of the students at Stanford, she also states that even the "lower class" people …

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…must work to maintain ties, connection" (hooks, page 58). As hooks hints, maintaining ties may not be easy, but it is definitely possible. Hooks establishes common ground with people who have these questions, and she gives the answer in her experience of hard work. Having worked hard on handling harsh criticism and pressure without losing ties with her background, bell hooks remained strong and represented her family values that she was raised with, through her actions.