Revolution Throughout the Cold War

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
Revolution was an important theme throughout the Cold War. Revolutions began, molded and then finally brought an end to the Cold War. In 1917, the Bolshevik Revolution forced Vladimir Lenin, the new communist leader, to withdraw from the World War I on the side of the Western Allies and to sign a separate peace agreement with Germany. The suspicions that this aroused among the Allies were the seeds of the Cold War. In 1949, the New Democratic …

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…wall where they overwhelmed the border guards who simply allowed them to pass.? The crowd then proceeded to tear down the wall in a revolution that forever changed the Cold War.? What followed was an end to the communist governments in the Soviet Satellites then an end to the Soviet Union and the iron curtain.? The Cold War ended and the cycle of revolution that had played such an important role came to a close.?