Review of computer processors and my emphasis.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
First Tests of AMD's Athlon XP 3000+ Advanced Micro Devices has released its newest Athlon XP processor, and a handful of vendors have already snapped up the new CPU that enables AMD to win its game of "cache up" with Intel. The Athlon XP 3000+, previously code-named Barton, doubles the Level 2 cache of previous models. PC World's first tests show the results: Barton-based Athlon XP 3000+ systems flew through productivity work, topping the fastest Pentium 4 systems tested. The …

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…consumers because consumers would rather purchase a fast CPU and the Intel Pentium 4's seem very expensive. By doubling the memory the CPU performs faster and that's what AMD has done to beat Intel. Outperforming Intel-based systems in the Photoshop, Premier 6, Nero, and Unreal Tournament 2003 tests is something will take into great consideration when buying a CPU. In my eyes the Athlon XP 3000+ is a great buy because it's faster and cheaper than Intel's Pentium 4.