Review of "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test"

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
- - Tom Wolf's 'The Electric Kool Aid Acid test' explores the magnificent and mysterious world of an age long gone but definitely not forgotten. An age of testing the boundaries of not only the human conscience but of social awareness and tolerance. An age in which seemingly anything could happen and through the eyes of a new generation of visionaries an age of enchantment and personal empowerment. I'm talking about none other than the nineteen …

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…many common misconceptions of the nineteen sixties. This light will extend even further to reach into the shadows and corners to luminate ideas and concepts present in the minds of this culture. I believe the book to be not only beneficial to the young reader but also to those who were there and took part or those who just looked on. Tom Wolf's 'The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test' was one hell of a great book!