Review of Romeo and Juliet

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Everybody has heard of the magnificent play of Romeo and Juliet, well now, here is the official review of this play. Speaking of the main characters, they are obviously Romeo and Juliet, the friar, and the nurse. They are the main characters because they played the biggest role in the play. The play started out with a big bang, and ended similarly. The tragedy began with two families fighting, who exceptionally hate each other. The …

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…His relatives, Paris, who had been slain by Romeo, and Mercutio, had been killed because of the quarreling of the two families also. Lady Montague could not handle the news, and died, presumably of a heart attack. The Montagues and Capulets were no longer enemies, but relatives, who had lost a great deal. This is the story of Romeo and Juliet, if you like this review, go and see it in Broadway one last time.