Review of Live performane:Notes from Underground

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Review # 1. Notes from Underground From a novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky Adapted by Andrew Litzky, Bill Peters, Zoë Inman, Llysa Holland and Rachel Katz Carey Cinema (Adelaide University), Fringe Hub 25th February 2004 Presented by Theatre Simple Directed by Bill Peters "Having too much consciousness is a disease!" the Underground Man declares, leaving the audience to contemplate what this means; is the mind of the Underground Man diseased? Is his speech the insane ramblings …

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…are grains of bitter truth and fleeting insight in the Underground Man's exaggerated and paranoid tirade, leaving the audience wondering if those we deny as insane are really the most lucid and perceptive individuals of the senseless world we currently exist in. Bibliography: Word Count: 1,000 words