Review of "Haiti: A Cigarette Burning at Both Ends" written by Marie Ketsia Theodore-Pharel

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
One of the short stories in The Butterfly's Way that I enjoyed was "Haiti: A Cigarette Burning at Both Ends" written by Marie Ketsia Theodore-Pharel. The story starts with the disturbing account of how a trip to buy school clothes was interrupted by the corpse of a Haitian man who had soaked himself in gasoline and set himself on fire. The man was Haitian 56 year old Antoine Thurel. <Tab/>The man …

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…amp;gt;On a trip to Cameroon the author realized that it was not like this in other parts of the world, and she realized that Haiti's cigarette was the byproduct of the divide and conquer style of oppression. The authors concludes by wondering how Antoine Thurel would feel about the metaphor, and if Haiti will ever realize that all Haitian belongs to the same family, or will they continue to bring each other down.