Review of Gina Ulysse's, "A Poem About Why I Can't Wait, Going Home Again and Again and Again."

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The final piece is a poem by Gina Ulysse, "A Poem About Why I Can't Wait, Going Home Again and Again and Again." The poem starts with Gina's memories as a young child living in Haiti. She eventually leaves Haiti and returns after seventeen years. She is disillusioned with her surrounds and feels unable to "refill all the gaps in [her] past." She leaves, but returns to Haiti two years later. The rest of the …

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…so we could talk about it. When I did this I remembered how little of Haiti's history I knew before starting this course. I was given the opportunity to share what I had learned and open my heart and mind to Haiti. "I am tired of wearing this suit of steel I am tired of being weighed down by armor I am tired of carrying a banner of love while THE war still rages on"