Review of Charles Dickens hard times

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Charles Dickens Hard Times In early society and presently, the indifference and unfairness to women exists among us in different ways. Men believe that they are superior to the female. This injustice probably stems from Biblical times. Eve was created from Adam's rib. They were sent out of the Garden of Eden, when they committed sin. Adam had to toil the ground to feed his family. Eve had to conceive and born children that was …

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…Women, The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Seventh Edition Volume Two, W. W. Norton and Company *The "Woman Question" The Victorian debate About Gender, The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Seventh Edition Volume Two, , W. W. Norton and Company *Burbick Joan. "Emily Dickinson and the Economics of Desire" American Literature, Volume.58, No 3 (Oct, 1986), pp. 361-378 *Schechner peter "Gender and Class in Dickens: Making Connections Midwest quarterly, Vol. 41 Issue3, spring 2000. *Patmore Coventry "Angel in The House"